• For Enquiry  0487-6627765, 0487-6627764
  • Appointments  0487-6627766/67, 0487-2333035, 9387668030
  • Emergency  0487 6627711

Clinical Psychology

Clinical psychology provides mental health services for people of all ages and from all walks of life. Methods and techniques may vary from practice to practice. But the focus of clinical psychology is on assessing clients’ mental health through psychological assessment and testing, and providing appropriate interventions.

Clinical psychology is an integration of science, theory, and clinical knowledge for the purpose of understanding, preventing, and relieving psychologically-based distress or dysfunction and to promote subjective well – being and personal development. 

The services offered are :

1. Counselling & Psychotherapies.

2. Neuropsychological Assessment.

3. Cognitive retraining for memory deficits.

4. Attention Problems.

5. Anxiety and Stress management.

6. Management of Adjustment disorder.