Atreya Hospital is pledged to deliver a comprehensive Level-1 Accident & Emergency Department ( A & E ) for patient care, training and research. The trauma centre is reputed to respond the fastest at times of accidents, heart attacks, paralytic strokes and other such life-threatening circumstances, which translates to optimum chances of survival and recovery to the affected. The centre offers 24 x 7 health care services. The 4th, 5th and 6th floors are dedicated to patient rooms and Intensive Care Units (ICU).
The centre also conducts training programmes for medical professionals on various areas of public health importance such as how to lay people in first aid, life support, etc., as a part of its community outreach activities.
24- hour in house coverage by general surgeons, and prompt availability of care in specialities such as orthopedic surgery, neurosurgery, anesthesiology, emergency medicine, radiology, internal medicine, plastic surgery, oral maxillo facial, pediatric and critical care.
Referral resource for communities nearby regions.
Provides leadership in prevention, public education to surrounding communities.
Provides continuing education of the trauma team members.
Incorporates a comprehensive quality assessment program.
Operates an organized teaching and research effort to help direct new innovations in trauma care.
Program for substance abuse screening and patient intervention.
State-of-the-art Level-1 trauma centre
Large treatment room with an operative table, lights and anaesthesia machines
Plaster room and isolation room
Cardiac monitors, ventilators, portable X-ray, Sonography and 2D echo machines
Two dedicated elevators for immediate transfer of patients to the operating rooms and ICUs
Pneumatic tube system for pharmacy and speedy transport of laboratory samples
Trained doctors available round the clock
Cutting-edge technology
Ambulance services with critical life-saving equipment manned by trained medical and paramedical staff capable of transporting critically ill patients in need of life support.
Head Injury
Spine Injury
Abdominal Injury
Facial Injuries
Vascular Injuries
Dr. Midhun Davis
MBBS,Resident Medical Officer